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Loyalty Program

We reward your loyalty! Shop at better prices with our loyalty program and enjoy a range of benefits.

How does it work?

  • For every purchase of 100 EUR, you earn 2500 points
  • 2500 points = 2 EUR discount on your next purchase
  • You can start using points once you reach a minimum of 3000 points
  • You decide how many points to convert into a discount!
Example: If you accumulate 5000 points, you can redeem them for a 4 EUR discount on your purchase.

Benefits for registered customers

Overview of all orders in one place
Easy returns and complaints without paperwork
Earn points for each item in the cart
Option to redeem points directly in the shopping cart

Have you shopped with us before?

If you previously shopped without registering, you don’t have to lose your points! Just register with the same email used for your previous order. We will automatically credit you points for all your purchases from the past 6 months.

Start saving today - register and earn points with every purchase!
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